17 research outputs found

    Leveraging literals for knowledge graph embeddings

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    Nowadays, Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become invaluable for various applications such as named entity recognition, entity linking, question answering. However, there is a huge computational and storage cost associated with these KG-based applications. Therefore, there arises the necessity of transforming the high dimensional KGs into low dimensional vector spaces, i.e., learning representations for the KGs. Since a KG represents facts in the form of interrelations between entities and also using attributes of entities, the semantics present in both forms should be preserved while transforming the KG into a vector space. Hence, the main focus of this thesis is to deal with the multimodality and multilinguality of literals when utilizing them for the representation learning of KGs. The other task is to extract benchmark datasets with a high level of difficulty for tasks such as link prediction and triple classification. These datasets could be used for evaluating both kind of KG Embeddings, those using literals and those which do not include literals

    Leveraging literals for knowledge graph embeddings

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    Wissensgraphen (Knowledge Graphs, KGs) repräsentieren strukturierte Fakten, die sich aus Entitäten und den zwischen diesen bestehenden Relationen zusammensetzen. Um die Effizienz von KG-Anwendungen zu maximieren, ist es von Vorteil, KGs in einen niedrigdimensionalen Vektorraum zu transformieren. KGs folgen dem Paradigma einer offenen Welt (Open World Assumption, OWA), d. h. fehlende Information wird als potenziell möglich angesehen, wodurch ihre Verwendung in realen Anwendungsszenarien oft eingeschränkt wird. Link-Vorhersage (Link Prediction, LP) zur Vervollständigung von KGs kommt daher eine hohe Bedeutung zu. LP kann in zwei unterschiedlichen Modi durchgeführt werden, transduktiv und induktiv, wobei die erste Möglichkeit voraussetzt, dass alle Entitäten der Testdaten in den Trainingsdaten vorhanden sind, während die zweite Möglichkeit auch zuvor nicht bekannte Entitäten in den Testdaten zulässt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Verwendung von Literalen in der transduktiven und induktiven LP, da KGs zahlreiche numerische und textuelle Literale enthalten, die eine wesentliche Semantik aufweisen. Zur Evaluierung dieser LP Methoden werden spezielle Benchmark-Datensätze eingeführt. Insbesondere wird eine neuartige KG Embedding (KGE) Methode, RAILD, vorgeschlagen, die Textliterale zusammen mit kontextuellen Graphinformationen für die LP nutzt. Das Ziel von RAILD ist es, die bestehende Forschungslücke beim Lernen von Embeddings für beim Training ungesehene Relationen zu schließen. Dafür wird eine Architektur vorgeschlagen, die Sprachmodelle (Language Models, LMs) mit Netzwerkembeddings kombiniert. Hierzu erfolgt ein Feintuning von leistungsstarken vortrainierten LMs wie BERT zum Zweck der LP, wobei textuelle Beschreibungen von Entitäten und Relationen genutzt werden. Darüber hinaus wird ein neuer Algorithmus, WeiDNeR, eingeführt, um ein Relationsnetzwerk zu generieren, das zum Erlernen graphbasierter Embeddings von Relationen unter Verwendung eines Netzwerkembeddingsmodells dient. Die Vektorrepräsentationen dieser Relationen werden für die LP kombiniert. Zudem wird ein weiteres neuartiges Embeddingmodell, LitKGE, vorgestellt, das numerische Literale für die transduktive LP verwendet. Es zielt darauf ab, numerische Merkmale für Entitäten durch Graphtraversierung zu erzeugen. Hierfür wird ein weiterer Algorithmus, WeiDNeR_Extended, eingeführt, der ein Netzwerk aus Objekt- und Datentypproperties erzeugt. Aus den aus diesem Netzwerk extrahierten Propertypfaden werden dann numerische Merkmale von Entitäten generiert. Des Weiteren wird der Einsatz eines mehrsprachigen LM zur Kodierung von Entitätenbeschreibungen in verschiedenen natürlichen Sprachen zum Zweck der LP untersucht. Für die Evaluierung der KGE-Modelle wurden die Benchmark-Datensätze LiterallyWikidata und Wikidata68K erstellt. Die vielversprechenden Ergebnisse, die mit den vorgestellten Modellen erzielt wurden, eröffnen interessante Fragestellungen für die zukünftige Forschung auf dem Gebiet der KGEs und ihrer Folgeanwendungen

    Leveraging Literals for Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    Nowadays, Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become invaluable for various applications such as named entity recognition, entity linking, question answering. However, there is a huge computational and storage cost associated with these KG-based applications. Therefore, there arises the necessity of transforming the high dimensional KGs into low dimensional vector spaces, i.e., learning representations for the KGs. Since a KG represents facts in the form of interrelations between entities and also using attributes of entities, the semantics present in both forms should be preserved while transforming the KG into a vector space. Hence, the main focus of this thesis is to deal with the multimodality and multilinguality of literals when utilizing them for the representation learning of KGs. The other task is to extract benchmark datasets with a high level of difficulty for tasks such as link prediction and triple classification. These datasets could be used for evaluating both kind of KG Embeddings, those using literals and those which do not include literals

    Semantic entity enrichment by leveraging multilingual descriptions for link prediction

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    Most Knowledge Graphs (KGs) contain textual descriptions of entities in various natural languages. These descriptions of entities provide valuable information that may not be explicitly represented in the structured part of the KG. Based on this fact, some link prediction methods which make use of the information presented in the textual descriptions of entities have been proposed to learn representations of (monolingual) KGs. However, these methods use entity descriptions in only one language and ignore the fact that descriptions given in different languages may provide complementary information and thereby also additional semantics. In this position paper, the problem of effectively leveraging multilingual entity descriptions for the purpose of link prediction in KGs will be discussed along with potential solutions to the problem

    RAILD: Towards Leveraging Relation Features for Inductive Link Prediction In Knowledge Graphs

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    Due to the open world assumption, Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are never complete. In order to address this issue, various Link Prediction (LP) methods are proposed so far. Some of these methods are inductive LP models which are capable of learning representations for entities not seen during training. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of the existing inductive LP models focus on learning representations for unseen relations. In this work, a novel Relation Aware Inductive Link preDiction (RAILD) is proposed for KG completion which learns representations for both unseen entities and unseen relations. In addition to leveraging textual literals associated with both entities and relations by employing language models, RAILD also introduces a novel graph-based approach to generate features for relations. Experiments are conducted with different existing and newly created challenging benchmark datasets and the results indicate that RAILD leads to performance improvement over the state-of-the-art models. Moreover, since there are no existing inductive LP models which learn representations for unseen relations, we have created our own baselines and the results obtained with RAILD also outperform these baselines

    Temporal Evolution of the Migration-related Topics on Social Media

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    This poster focuses on capturing the temporal evolution of migration-related topics on relevant tweets. It uses Dynamic Embedded Topic Model (DETM) as a learning algorithm to perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of these emerging topics. TweetsKB is extended with the extracted Twitter dataset along with the results of DETM which considers temporality. These results are then further analyzed and visualized. It reveals that the trajectories of the migration-related topics are in agreement with historical events. The source codes are available online: https://bit.ly/3dN9ICB

    Challenges of applying knowledge graph and their embeddings to a real-world use-case

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    Different Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) models have been proposed so far which are trained on some specific KG completion tasks such as link prediction and evaluated on datasets which are mainly created for such purpose. Mostly, the embeddings learnt on link prediction tasks are not applied for downstream tasks in real-world use-cases such as data available in different companies/organizations. In this paper, the challenges with enriching a KG which is generated from a real-world relational database (RDB) about companies, with information from external sources such as Wikidata and learning representations for the KG are presented. Moreover, a comparative analysis is presented between the KGEs and various text embeddings on some downstream clustering tasks. The results of experiments indicate that in use-cases like the one used in this paper, where the KG is highly skewed, it is beneficial to use text embeddings or language models instead of KGEs

    A knowledge graph embeddings based approach for author name disambiguation using literals

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    Scholarly data is growing continuously containing information about the articles from a plethora of venues including conferences, journals, etc. Many initiatives have been taken to make scholarly data available in the form of Knowledge Graphs (KGs). These efforts to standardize these data and make them accessible have also led to many challenges such as exploration of scholarly articles, ambiguous authors, etc. This study more specifically targets the problem of Author Name Disambiguation (AND) on Scholarly KGs and presents a novel framework, Literally Author Name Disambiguation (LAND), which utilizes Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGEs) using multimodal literal information generated from these KGs. This framework is based on three components: (1) multimodal KGEs, (2) a blocking procedure, and finally, (3) hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two newly created KGs: (i) KG containing information from Scientometrics Journal from 1978 onwards (OC-782K), and (ii) a KG extracted from a well-known benchmark for AND provided by AMiner (AMiner-534K). The results show that our proposed architecture outperforms our baselines of 8–14% in terms of F1 score and shows competitive performances on a challenging benchmark such as AMiner. The code and the datasets are publicly available through Github (https://github.com/sntcristian/and-kge) and Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6309855) respectively

    Challenges of Applying Knowledge Graph and their Embeddings to a Real-world Use-case

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    Different Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) models have been proposed so far which are trained on some specific KG completion tasks such as link prediction and evaluated on datasets which are mainly created for such purpose. Mostly, the embeddings learnt on link prediction tasks are not applied for downstream tasks in real-world use-cases such as data available in different companies/organizations. In this paper, the challenges with enriching a KG which is generated from a real-world relational database (RDB) about companies, with information from external sources such as Wikidata and learning representations for the KG are presented. Moreover, a comparative analysis is presented between the KGEs and various text embeddings on some downstream clustering tasks. The results of experiments indicate that in use-cases like the one used in this paper, where the KG is highly skewed, it is beneficial to use text embeddings or language models instead of KGEs